Native Pathways

Workforce and Training Program 

Native Pathways was combined with the Department of Economic Development to strengthen the workforce development efforts, build earning capacity and lower the Pueblo’s 14% unemployment rate, which is (3) times higher than the national rate. Native Pathways serves low income, unemployed or underemployed Native Americans in 122 counties in the western half of Texas through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). Since its inception in 1979, the Ysleta Del Sur Pueblo Native Pathways program has been at the forefront of creating job opportunities for Native Americans living throughout West Texas and on reservations within the region. The program is responsible for assisting Native American participants to prepare for and obtain high quality or career-based jobs. To meet its goals, Native Pathways has established long-term relationships and collaborations with various job training providers such as: vocational and educational institutions, employer partners, regional workforce development boards and various job development or ancillary agencies. The critical challenge for this program is helping the community attain technical/vocational training and workforce skills, resulting in better employment opportunities and an increase in family income and financial security.


Eligibility Requirements

An individual is eligible to receive services through Native Pathways if the following criterion is met:

  • Any individual who is a member of a Federally Recognized Tribe
  • Reside within Service Area (1 of 122 West TX Counties)
  • Must be Unemployed, Underemployed (earning a wage below your skillset or working part-time but desires full-time employment), Low-Income, or Seeking Training Assistance

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Tigua Next Generation Program

The Tigua Next Generation Program provides a positive path for young tribal members and helps meet the workforce needs of the community. WIOA youth participants aged 15-17 are placed within the Ysleta del Sur Pueblo and El Paso area and work a maximum of 180 hours, engaging in on-the-job training at an approved host site. The TNG aims to create a positive environment for our youth to explore their potential and nurture their passions. Participants are also eligible for the Academic Achievers Incentive Program, which encourages and rewards academic accomplishments by providing incentives for submitting their report cards. Through fostering a culture of excellence and recognition, the program aims to motivate students to consistently perform well and take pride in their educational achievements.