Registration services are provided to new businesses, assisting them to register and issuing a business certificate. Currently, there are thirty-one tribal businesses registered. The top three business types are:
The program helps businesses with 51% minority ownership for exposure to state procurement and contracting opportunities and provides workshops such as how to receive a company level certification to be classified as a Historically Underutilized Businesses (HUB), which is State issued.
Department of Economic Development strives to create partnerships with the City of El Paso in which will benefit the Tribe both economically, and financially. Our current project is the collaboration with Zenith Utilities whom provided a preliminary feasibility study to determine if YDSP would pursue the idea of owning their own utilities or venture into a solar powered community farm. Since YDSP has access to utilities, the focus was to apply for a renewable solar powered energy grant. IF awarded, twelve (12) acres were identified in P’aKitu Village, as the designated site. This project will focus on building a cooperative relationship with El Paso Electric Company to develop the solar farm to produce 1.5 megawatts of energy, targeting over 400 Pueblo Homes and government buildings and enterprises. YDSP benefits from the cooperative relationship with El Paso Electric Company by using their existing boiler templates from their existing solar powered farm in Far East El Paso. When the solar energy was offered to their customers all slots were sold out and a waiting list exists due to high demand. We anticipate the same interest with YDSP’s Community Solar farm and look forward to upcoming projects.
Ysleta Del Sur Pueblo Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) offers free tax preparation services for tribal members, YDSP employees, and the surrounding communities. VITA is a member of the El Paso Coalition for Family Economic Progress. The Coalition is a partnership amongst the Pueblo, IRS, County of El Paso, City of El Paso, El Paso Affordable Housing Credit Union and other local partners to prepare free tax returns. The Ysleta Del Sur Pueblo has been offering free income tax preparation services for over 10 years. The Ysleta Del Sur Pueblo VITA site is equipped to electronically file income tax returns and refunds can be received as quickly as two weeks. Our trained volunteers are certified by the IRS to prepare basic income tax returns. The families assisted with filing their tax returns have the opportunity to join the economic mainstream of promoting the constructive use of their income tax, child and education tax credits for long-term asset development goals.
Financial Literacy is of the utmost importance for any tribe’s economic growth and leads to stronger self-governance at the individual and tribal level. The Financial Literacy service was combined with Native Pathways and TCDC’s CDFI program to compliment and merge efforts. The Financial Literacy Coordinator provides Financial Education and a Mini Individual Savings Challenge titled “Tigua Cents.” The prime objective is to provide financial education workshops utilizing Native American specific curriculum, guide participants on opening a savings account and lastly to launch a savings challenge among workshop participants and cash match dollar for dollar based on available funding. In addition, participants receive education by Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University videos services, focusing on a variety of topics, such as building up a savings account and reducing debt.
Nation Building efforts carry on the work that preserves sovereignty which strengthens and renews cultural identity. The services provided are designed to deliver nation-building efforts to assist the Ysleta Del Sur Pueblo increase its capacities for self-ruled, self-determined, sustainable community and economic development. Nation Building Workshops are open to the Community; these workshops consist of Tigua history, culture, and traditions, as well as providing information on the YDSP government operations. Nation Builders also continue the 10-session curriculum with recruited Tribal Members by way of the Performance Partnership Pilot (P3) team.