The Tribal Court addresses all civil matters of action brought before the court in the form of civil complaints, petitions and citations. Cases filed within the tribal court will be given due process and will be heard by a Tribal Court Judge.
Citations can be resolved in one of three ways, No-Contest forfeiture for Class C violations, by requesting a court hearing to dispute a Class C citation, or Court mandatory hearing for all Class B and Class A violations. A court hearing is docketed within one month of receiving or challenging the citation.
All Civil Petitions will follow the standard rules of procedure unless emergency hearings must be scheduled in order to address petitions for Temporary Restraining Orders petitions if it is deemed that the health or welfare of a party is jeopardized by not expediting the hearing process.
The purpose of the Youth Court is to:
The YDSP Healing to Wellness Court implements a holistic approach to addressing and intervening in alcohol and drug use among court involved tribal youth through spiritual healing resources available to the tribal court and employing guidance and cognitive methodologies that will provide Court ordered supervision and treatment promoting abstinence. The program combines multidisciplinary services to assist participants in acquiring the courage, strength and character essential in their development creating a more harmonious Tigua community for Ysleta del Sur Pueblo. The Juvenile Drug Court Program is an intensive nine month (minimum) program divided into six levels and a three-month aftercare program. Youth participants must complete each progressive level in order to graduate and continue their aftercare component. The program is heavily based on multiple treatment services including:
Tribal Youth Court has jurisdiction over enrolled children of Ysleta del Sur Pueblo, under the age of 18 and must reside on the Reservation, El Paso or Hudspeth Counties. The Tribal Youth Court Program’s primary objective is to address problems that afflict tribal youth. The TYC provides six-month intervention for non-drug court related youth through enhanced community service programs and tribal police involved activities.